How To Advertise

Magic Bullet is Washington, D.C.’s free comics newspaper published by the D.C. Conspiracy, a comics creators’ collective in the capital region established in 2005. The group has published themed anthologies, coordinated comics exhibits, lead panel discussions, and more.

Magic Bullet is primarily distributed in the D.C. area, but with many of our contributing artists attending various shows across the country, Magic Bullet has a growing readership, as well as a growing print run of 3,000 - 5,000. 

Magic Bullet will be distributed at major east coast comic conventions in addition to area restaurants, shops, and venues. In addition, issues 1-8 of Magic Bullet are included in the U.S. Library of Congress permanent collection.

Who should advertise in Magic Bullet?
Book stores, shops, restaurants, theaters, venues, publishers, event organizers (comics shows/zine fests/craft fairs), comic book creators, artists, writers, illustrators, bloggers, podcasts, web shows, musicians, businesses, art organizations, public services, etc.

Content and Distribution: Magic Bullet is distributed at local bookstores, restaurants, businesses, comic conventions and other events and venues throughout the year. 

File resolution / format: 300 DPI / bitmap linework should be at least 600 DPI. Interior ads are grayscale. Back and inside covers are 4-color process, please send them as CMYK files. Flattened tif or pdf format ONLY.

Please label your file with your name and current Magic Bullet issue number in the following format: AD_LastNameFirstNameMB22.pdf

Purchasing ads for publication:
Please e-mail ‘’ for payment instructions. 

Deadline for Magic Bullet #22 Advertising: We need final ad file and payment by FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2025 -- Reserve as early as possible to guarantee a prime spot.

Sizes: Dimensions are given as width x height

Full Page, B&W: $200; 9.5” x 15”
Half Page, B&W: $100; 9.5” x 7.25”
1/4 Page, B&W: $70; 4.5” x 7.25”
1/8 Page, B&W: $45; 4.5” x 3.375”

Back Cover, Full Color: $300; 9.5” x 15” (Reserved)
Inside Cover, Full Color: $250; 9.5” x 15” (Reserved)
Back Inside Cover, Full Color: $225; 9.5” x 15” (Reserved)

Questions? Ask!
E-mail ‘’ if you have any questions or concerns regarding advertising or if you are interested in comic submissions.