
Magic Bullet 19, Submission info

I wanted to let you know that the deadline for MAGIC BULLET #19 will be FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 2019. This issue will have no theme, so feel free to take an open approach.

The specs and guidelines remain the same as usual, and can be found at: http://magicbulletcomics.blogspot.com/p/submissions.html

As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


Magic Bullet 18 - Cover and ToC

MAGIC BULLET 18 is officially on the streets! The new issue has been printed, picked up, and the initial distribution run has begun. Look for it in comic book stores, music stores, book stores, coffee shops, etc!

We're excited to present the cover, from Eric Gordon, as well as the full table of contents.

Santiago Casares
Carlos Torres
Bizhan Khodabandeh
Matt Rawson
G.R. Lear
Stephanie Butto and Evan Keeling 
Art Hondros
Gabe McOwen
Rafer Roberts
Mike Brace
Mike Cowgill
Adam Griffiths 
Troy-Jeffrey Allen and Matt Rawson 
John Kinhart
Maria Sweeney
Rob Ciesielski
Dale Rawlings 
Steve Wallet
Gordon Harris
Andrew Cohen
Kit Fraser
Jon Poliszuk
Teresa Roberts Logan
Steve Steiner
Beppi and Mary Knott
William A. Anderson  
R.M. Rhodes and Evan Keeling
Carolyn Belefski and Joe Carabeo
David Ross
Bruce Fasick